Tarot Bomb!
The Questions ARE the Answers, One Card at a Time...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Five of Pentacles
1. How have you been rejected?
2. How have you been treating yourself poorly?
3. What gift can you give yourself?
4. What have you been missing, that is right under your nose?
5. What is the best way for you to connect to the Divine?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Two of Swords
1. What one emotion, because you are not expressing it the way it needs to be expressed, is still waiting to be honored?
2. What message from the universe have you been ignoring?
3. How is having too many goals holding you back?
4. How will you let your intuition give you guidance regarding which path to take?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Five of Cups
1. What have you neglected to mourn?
2. Will you trust yourself to know how to grieve?
3. Will you trust yourself to know when you have finished grieving?
4. What is getting in the way of beginning that grieving process?
What have you forgotten?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Three of Cups
1. What is still waiting to be celebrated in a meaningful way?
2. What must you do to be emotionally fulfilled?
3. How are you positively connecting with others?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ten of Wands
1. How are you managing your creative energy?
2. Which of your creative endeavours has the potential to bloom most brightly?
3. Where is your faith leading you?
4. What is distracting you? What are you afraid of?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Two of Pentacles
1. How balanced is your life?
2. What is distracting you?
3. What is draining your energy?
4. The dog that chases two rabbits catches neither...What goal must you release in order to move forward?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Six of Swords
1. How are you moving to a more peaceful existence?
2. How are you keeping yourself steady?
3. How are you honoring all the different sides of your personality?
4. Especially, what is your inner child telling you to do to heal?
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Hanged Man
1. What do you now understand?
2. What are you holding onto that you should release?
3. How are you getting in touch with the divine?
4. What sacrifice must you make to achieve your goal?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Devil
1. How have you been betrayed?
2. What situation is no longer favorable?
What must you do to remove yourself from it?
3. How are your cravings impacting your life?
4. How are your fears holding you back?
5. What seems too much to bear?
6. What is the best way for you to reclaim your personal power?
Monday, November 29, 2010
Queen of Pentacles
1. What or Whom do you need to nurture?
2. How are you respecting your body?
3. How are you appreciating each of your senses?
4. Why might it be important for you to slow down?
5. Where is your focus?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Three of Pentacles
1. With whom must you cooperate in order to attain your goal?
2. How are you balancing mind, body, and spirit?
3. How devoted are you to your daily spiritual practice?
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Hierophant
1. What have you learned?
2. What do you need to learn?
3. What traditions are you upholding?
4. What role does ritual/ceremony play in your life?
5. What new tradition should you add to your life?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Moon
1. What are you craving?
2. What do you really need?
3. What is distracting you?
4. What is the most important thing you can do right now?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Eight of Wands
1. What are you compelled to share with others?
2. How are you putting your plans into action?
3. What unfinished business do you need to complete?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Seven of Swords
1. How is your secret affecting your life?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Four of Wands
1. How can you use your creativity to build community?
2. What needs to become integrated into your life?
3. What is keeping you from being more creative?
4. What rite of passage is still waiting to be celebrated?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Ten of Cups
1. How are you integrating all of your different selves?
2. How are you living in harmony with your environment?
3. How are you showing gratitude?
4. What should you celebrate?
5. Where is your family?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Three of Cups
1. What should you be celebrating?
2. How are you honoring your emotions?
3. What is it time to reap?
4. Why is it important to come together with friends at this time?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Page of Swords
1. What do you need to get a handle on?
2. How are you feeling in control? Why might that sense of control be deceptive?
3. Whom do you need to stop deceiving?
4. For what must you accept responsibility?
Monday, October 25, 2010
King of Wands
1. What situation do you need to control?
2. What action do you need to take?
3. How are you using your power?
4. Where does your originality lie?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Five of Cups
1. How are you disillusioned?
2. What is making you sad?
3. What are you overlooking that could help you?
4. What/Whom must you release in order to move forward?
5. What awaits your attention?
Monday, October 18, 2010
King of Swords
1. How are you doing what must be done?
2. How are you pruning the unnecessary from your life?
3. How is your knowledge, power?
4. For whom are you seeking justice? How? Why?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Six of Pentacles
1. How has life been unfair?
2. How are you nurturing yourself?
3. What aspect of yourself are you ignoring?
4. Who needs what you have? How are you sharing it with them?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Four of Swords
1. How are you renewing your energy?
2. From what/whom do you need a break?
3. What are your dreams telling you?
4. How are you preparing for the future?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Nine of Wands
Many paths are possible, but you can choose only one.
Which will it be? And how can you be certain it is the right choice?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Page of Wands
1. What are you curious about?
2. What new idea are you considering?
3. What should you do next to begin to bring your idea to fruition?
4. What piece of the puzzle are you missing?
5. What is distracting you?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Eight of Cups
1. What hopeless situation do you need to abandon?
2. What can you do to renew yourself?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Eight of Wands
1. What are you rushing into?
2. What is carrying you away?
3. How are you putting your plans into action?
4. How are you completing unfinished business?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Seven of Swords
1. What no-win situation are you in? How must you exit? What will you take with you?
2. Whom do you need to out-think?
3. How is your mental energy being drained? How can you protect yourself?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Queen of Cups
1. How is trying too hard getting in the way?
2. How are you managing your emotions in a healthy way?
3. What/Whom do you need to honor?
4. How in touch are you with your core being?
5. What are you missing?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
1. How are you combining your talents?
2. How are you centering yourself?
3. What healing needs to be done?
4. How are you renewing your energy?
5. What compromise should you make?
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Magician
1. How clear are your goals?
2. How clear are your motivations?
3. What skills do you need for the future?
4. How are you utilizing ALL of the resources at your disposal?
5. What distractions are you tolerating? How can you release them?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Lovers
1. What difficult choice do you need to make?
2. What is getting in the way of making that choice?
3. How are you demonstrating your integrity?
4. How are you following your heart?
5. Where is the passion in your life?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Page of Swords
1. A little knowledge can sometimes be a dangerous thing. How might this apply to your situation?
2. What is something you need to find more information about?
3. What is currently arousing your curiousity?
4. What can you do to move forward?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Two of Wands
1. At what threshold do you stand?
2. What must you put aside (for now) in order to move forward?
3. What do you see that others don't?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Five of Wands
1. What is confusing you?
2. What isn't going according to plan?
3. How are you taking care of details?
4. How are you being pulled in different directions?
5. With whom are you competing?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Five of Pentacles
1. With what are you struggling?
2. How are you neglecting your body?
3. What do you need to give up? Why?
4. What source of support are you overlooking?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Page of Cups
1. Where is your heart leading you?
2. How is intimacy a part of your life?
3. Who / What has recently touched you? Why?
4. Whom do you need to forgive?
5. When was the last time you were whimsical?
6. What message from your sub-conscious is your physical body giving you?
Friday, August 20, 2010
Knight of Wands
1. What are excited about?
2. What are you angry about?
3. How are you taking risks?
4. How could you be more cautious?
5. How are you endangering yourself?
6. What challenge do you need to face?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Six of Swords
1. What is saddening you?
2. How are you dealing with grief?
3. Where are you going?
4. To what must you shift your focus?
5. What or Who is supporting you in a positive way?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
King of Pentacles
1. How are you managing your money?
2. How are you balancing material with spiritual?
3. How are you maximizing your opportunities?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Eight of Pentacles
1. How are you increasing your knowledge?
2. What are you hoping will come from your hard work?
3. Of what are you a master?
4. What details are you missing?
5. How is perfectionism getting in the way?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Five of Swords
1. How have you lowered your standards?
2. What no-win situation are you in?
3. What do you need to walk away from?
4. How easy is it for you to not take things personally?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Three of Swords
1. What loss from the past do you still need to mourn?
2. How is your thinking causing you suffering?
3. What can you do to cleanse your soul?
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Lovers
1. What choice do you need to make?
2. What are your motivations?
3. Where is the passion in your life?
4. What is your personal philosophy?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Page of Pentacles
1. What message(s) is your body telling you?
2. What are you uptight about? How can you relax?
3. Where is your sense of wonder about the natural world?
4. What value must you re-examine?
4. What new habit should you start?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Knight of Cups
1. How fully do you understand your own motivations?
2. Who needs comforting? How?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Four of Wands
How are you honoring your creative side?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
What needs to end?
What must you release?
How are you changing?
How do you know when it's time to let go and start over?
How are you accepting the inevitable?
Why might "getting back to basics" be a good idea?
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Ten of Cups
Where are you finding joy?
How are you acknowledging what is good in your life?
What are you homesick for?
How emotionally balanced are you?
What appears real, but is actually an illusion?
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